I have a gift for music. = I have a gift which is necessary for music.
[for] shows the gift is necessary as the thing which “music” regards
[have]--- to be given / to consist of / to be made up of
Key player- “I” is the lowest position in logic.
我的本性,本質,或恩賜,是來成就我的。----在英文中,用啥來成就“我”,那也是 I have 的一種,當由遺傳,由練習,一種能力注入我裏面,使我處在 have的狀態中。所以,I 處在動詞 have 的權下。The “have” reigns over the “I”.
I have a gift for her.
[for] shows a gift is intended so as to reach you
[have]----to cause a gift to be for her
I have / possess the car as my property.
Key player-I is the highest position in logic.
= The car is used to me. / I make use of the car.
(Key player-the car is the lowest position in logic.)
Oil has the property of floating on water.
(Key player –oil is the lowest position in logic.)
[have]------to consist of / to be able to be seen
Return “ service delights” with a monetary thank-you.
= In return service delights with a monetary thank-you.
Return “a monetary thank-you” for “service delights”.
= In return a monetary thank-you for service delights.
[with a monetary thank-you]----the “with” shows the contains of the idea of returning the “service delights” is a monetary thank-you
It is filled with sugar.
[with sugar]-----the “with” shows the contains of the idea of filling is sugar
I mean what I say.
= I have what I say as my purpose.
= It is intended what I say.
It was meant to be a surprise; I didn’t intend you to see it so soon.
= ………I intended you to see it not so soon.
It is familiar to me. = It is known to me.
(Key player-it is the lowest position in logic.)
(me is the domination )
He is known to the place.
(Key player-he is the lowest position in logic.)
I am familiar with it.
(Key player-I is the highest position in logic.)
Membership is restricted to serving officers in the armed forces.
[to serving officers in the armed forces]-----the degree of the action of being restricted reaching as far as serving officers in the armed forces
Just for the record, I think we’re making a grave mistake.
[for]---shows the thing that I think we're making a grave mistake as part of the record
We find that one of the most interesting forms of collections has been that of living animals.
the most interesting 落实在forms, forms 又落实在collections,
[of collections]----the "of"shows the forms formimg collections
[has been that of living animals] = has been that collection done towards living animals
[of living animals] = the "of" shows "that collections" done towards -----the action of collection is done towards
那个collection 动作,它动作的,落实的-----its an intended aim is "living animals" towards which the action of collection is directed
The rise in violent crime is one of the more worrying aspects of the current situation.
more worrying 落实在aspects, the current situation 落实在 the more worrying aspects
[aspects of the current situation]-----the "of" shows in relation to / connected with
= the aspects is connected with the current situation
= the current situation containing / having / with the aspects
at the age of ten
the "of" shows the degree of the age
a price increas of 15 per cent = a 15 per cent price increase
the "of" shows the degree of the increase
her book on the subject of lion
[on]= dealing with
[of] = having
[her book on the subject of lion] = her book dealing with the subject having lion
It's getting late; we'd better make a start on the cooking.
[on]----dealing with / tackling
The subject of her book is lion.
[of]----being dealt with in / being contained
[The subject of her book ils lion. ] = The subject dealt with in her book is lion.
Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.
[racegoer]----- 經常參加賽馬賭局的人
which is in agreement with a horse running in a race
which is consistent with a horse running in a race
which is equivalent to a horse running in a race
which is the same as a horse running in a race
which corresponds to a horse running in a race
which connected with a horse running in a race
which is in connection with a horse running in a race
[all the "which" is the lowest position in logic ]
And with the loss of strangeness, there was space for intimacy.
(网上翻译)既然失去了陌生感, 就为亲切感腾出了地方.
[and]---expresses an explanation
[with]----in the presence of
[for]----shows space as a place to being giving cause for being intimate
Paraphrase the original sentence:
Because we were in the presence of the loss of strangeness, thus there was space to be giving cause for our being intimate.
1. 英文绝对的,普片要做的,就是把母语者你知我知的语言的关键语词和语言的段落要给彻底的ellipsis 掉。
2. 中文白话文,没有ellipsis 的文化,所以,把所有的被ellipsis掉的部分,要完全和彻底的转换成中文的过门。否则,这个翻译变成指涉不明。
3. 因为不讲ellipsis 的中文白话文也跟着洋人来ellipsis 那做出来的中文的文字都成了跟原文的英文不发生一个字对应一个字的关系。当然不会知道人家这出戏是怎样来演出的。
4. 比如:网上的翻译文:“失去了陌生感”如果一这句话为: key player: it is saying that “the loss of strangeness” having our being 所以“失去了陌生感”下面有话,只是被ellipsis 但中文没有道理也跟着ellipsis
又题外话:[intimacy] ----of being intimate for making close especially sexual relationship 不是普通的亲切。是指异性间的亲密关系。
5. 这样不把被ellipsis的部分给翻译出来的翻译和理解,又把根本不在同一个语言世界的外星语的英文,转化成纯粹的中国口语,使中国人永远不知道英文中每一个字其精微的指涉和语言的操作,也就是不知道人家这出戏是怎样在演出的------则雾里看花成为必然。