Yarn Bombing is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.
Yarn Bombing,从字面意思可以翻译为“毛线大爆炸”,自2004年起,每年的六月都会由编织爱好者们发起全世界范围的街头编织艺术行为,许多公共设施,铜像以及身边各种形形色色的事物都被色彩斑斓的毛线赋予了新的意义。
The practice is believed to have originated in the US with Texas knitters trying to find a creative way to use their leftover and unfinished knitting projects, but it has since spread worldwide. 这种做法据称起源自美国德克萨斯,当地的编织工尝试找到一种利用剩余毛线和未完成编织物的创意方法,但随后这传播到了世界各地。