It’s 2015, and texting is an integral part of our lives – whether it’s pertaining to our regular ol’ friends or a girlfriend (or boyfriend alike).
Whether we fail to accept it or not, the things we say through text messages – in many cases – are equally as important as those said face-to-face.
For this reason, you need to be deliberate with the things you text her. After all, I’m sure you could relate to receiving a certain text that managed to brighten up your day after opening it up.
By putting more effort into the finer points of your relationship, like random texts throughout the day, you can show her you’re truly committed (or interested, if you’re not quite in the relationship stage yet).
F*ck all that “sending signals” or “waiting for a sign” talk. If you like her – tell her. By trying to be too cryptic and mysterious, you might end up losing her in the process. Save that for the romantic comedies.
Here are the eight situational texts you should certainly be mindful of and how to go about them properly.
1. The “good morning” text
You’re going to want to get a bit creative, here. Dive into your bag of tricks, as it’s the first thing she’s going to be waking up to in the morning. Make sure to stay away from generic sh*t like “good morning.”
Do you know how many dudes have probably texted her “good morning”? Exactly. You’re going to want to separate yourself from the pack, so to speak – and how are we going to do that? Bam, we’re gonna throw in a pet name.
Personally, I’ve always been a fan of “good morning sunshine,” as it paints some pretty mental imagery. It’s warm, not overly provocative, and it’s also directly quoted from a Quasimoto song… so, yeah.
2. The “I had a good time” text
If you genuinely had a good time with a girl – whether it was on a date or after just meeting her for the first time somewhere – it’s super crucial to be vocal about it. Don’t be shy, big guy. We’re going to have to use our words.
Remember, if you don’t say anything, how will she know? Having said that, we all don’t have to be wordsmiths like Hank Moody in order to express ourselves.
Keep it short and sweet and straight to the point. If you had fun with her, just say, “Hey, I really had fun with you last night.”
It shouldn’t really matter how specifically you choose to articulate it – as long as you’re clear-cut about your feelings. The ability to vocalize your emotions will show confidence, and girls will eat that sh*t up.
3. The “I’m just thinking about you” text
You’ll have to be wary of how liberal you are with this type of text. If you overuse it, you’ll risk making yourself sound a little bit creepy.
I mean, think about it; If her feelings aren’t 100 percent matched, it might make her a little bit uncomfortable knowing you’re “thinking about her” with any great frequency.
Then again, if she’s into you – the same way you’re into her – this type of text will pay off in spades. It’ll tell show her she’s truly making an impact on you day-to-day, and you’re sensitive enough to recognize and appreciate it.