裸船模阻力试验||naked hull resistance test
裸船体||bare hull, naked hull
裸置管道||unburied pipeline
马拿马运河导缆孔||Panama chock
埋管驳||pipeburying barge
埋入式人孔盖||sunk manhole cover
埋设管道||buried pipeline
埋设深度||laying depth
麦鲁舵||Mellor rudder
脉动空泡||pulsating cavity
满舵舵角||hardover angle
满载吃水||loaded draft
满载排水量||full load displacement
满载水线||loaded waterline
满载水线长||load waterline length
锚泊定位||anchor moored positioning
锚泊设备||anchoring equipment
锚泊状态||anchored condition
锚床||anchor bed
锚唇||anchor mouth
锚灯||anchor light
锚端链节||swivel piece, outboard shot
锚浮标||anchor buoy
锚干||anchor shank
锚杆||anchor pile, piled anchor
锚横杆||anchor stock
锚架||anchor rack
锚具||ground tackle
锚拉力试验||tension test for anchor, proof load test for anchor
锚缆||anchor hawser
锚链||anchor chain
锚链舱||chain locker
锚链等级||grade of chain cable
锚链管||chain pipe
锚链环||chain link
锚链拉断试验||breaking test for chain cable
锚链拉力试验||tension test for chain cable, proof load test for chain cable
锚链轮||cable lifter
锚链筒||hawse pipe
锚链脱钩||senhouse slip
锚啮入性||anchor penetration
锚球||anchor ball
锚索||anchor cable
锚头||anchor head
锚投落试验||drop test for anchor
锚腿||anchor leg
锚卸扣||anchor shackle
锚穴||anchor recess
锚抓力||anchor holding power
锚抓重比||ratio of holding power to weight, holding efficiency
锚爪||anchor fluke
锚爪袭角||angle of attack
锚爪折角||fluke angle
铆接船体结构||riveted hull structure
眉毛板||eye brow
煤舱盖||coal hole cover
煤气机动力装置||gas engine power plant
煤油试验||kerosine test
每厘米吃水吨数曲线||curve of tons per centimeter of immersion
每厘米纵倾力矩曲线||moment to change trim one centimeter curve
门槽||dockgate channel
门墩||gate pier
门坑||pit for caisson, pit for gate
孟克力矩||Munk monent
免除处所||excluded spaces
免除证书||Exemption Certificate
面板||face plate
面板切斜连接||clip connection
面积渗透率||surface permeability
面节线||face pitch line
面螺距||face pitch
灭火剂控制装置||extinguishant control unit
敏感度门限||susceptibility threshold
明轮||paddle wheel
模拟腐蚀试验||simulative corrosion test
模拟手||artificial hand
模型拖车||model towing carriage
模型拖点||model towing point
摩擦阻力||frictional resistance
摩擦阻尼||frictional damping
末端链节||inboard end chain length
末端卸扣||end shackle
莫氏信号灯||Morse signal light
母线||generating line
木船||wooden vessel
木船防污涂料||antifouling paint for wooden boat
木工间||carpenters store
内底板||inner bottom plating
内底边板||margin plate
内底横骨||reverse frame
内底纵骨||inner bottom longitudinal
内河船||inland vessel, inland navigation vessel
内立管||internal riser
内倾||tumble home
内燃机动力装置||internal combustion engine power plant
内通道||interior alleyway
内舾装||accommodation outfitting
内斜轴系||converging shafting
内旋||inward turning
耐波性||seakeeping qualities
耐波性衡准||criteria of seakeeping qualities
耐波性试验||seakeeping test
耐波性试验水池||seakeeping tank
耐海水不锈钢||seawater corrosionresisting stainless steel
耐海洋大气结构钢||marine atmosphere corrosionresisting structural steel
耐火电缆||fire resisting cable
耐火救生艇||fireresistant lifeboat
耐久性试验||continuous service test
耐蚀性||corrosion resistance
耐压壳体钢板||steel plate for pressure shell
挠性接头||pipeline flexible joint, rubber sleeve
挠性密封装置||flexible sealing arrangement
挠性轴系||flexible shafting
泥泵||dredge pump
泥舱||spoil hopper, mud holder
泥舱稀释装置||hopper diluting installation
泥阱||sump, drop, chute
泥门||hopper door
泥门启闭机构||door lifting device
泥箱||mud box
逆螺线试验||reverse spiral test
凝水泵||condensate pump
凝水—给水系统||condensatefeed water system
凝水再循环系统||condensate recirculating system
扭振减振器||torsional vibration damper
扭转强度||torsional strength
扭转强度试验||torsional strength test
农用船||agricultural vessel
暖机起动||warm starting
暖机起动试验||warmingup and starting test
暖机蒸汽系统||engine warming steam system
耦合运动||coupling motion
耙臂||drag arm
耙臂小车||trunnion carriage
耙头||drag head
耙头梯架||drag head ladder
耙头梯架起落装置||hoisting gear for drag head ladder
耙吸装置||drag and suction device
排放标准||effluent standard
排放浓度||effluent concentration
排放条件||conditions of discharge
排流保护||electrical drainage protection
排泥浮筒||dredgers floaters
排泥管||discharge pipeline
排泥管接岸装置||shore connecting plant
排泥设备||soil discharging facility
排气装置||exhaust unit
排汽系统||exhaust steam system
排绳装置||rope guide
排水航行机组||hullborne engine unit
排水型船||displacement ship
排油监控系统||oil discharge monitoring system
排油控制||control of discharge of oil
盘车机构||turning gear
盘车联锁装置||turning gear interlocking device
盘线装置||line winder
旁桁材||side girder
旁内龙骨||side keelson
旁视声呐||side-looking sonar
旁通调节||bypass governing
旁通阀||bypass valve
抛落式救生艇||free fall lifeboat
抛锚激振试验||anchor dropand snub test
抛锚试验||anchoring trial
泡沫空化||foam cavitation, burbling cavitation
泡沫浓缩液||foam concentrate liquid
泡沫室||foam room
泡沫液循环泵||concentrate circulating pump
泡沫原液泵||concentrate pump
配电屏||feeder panel
配汽机构||steam distribution device
配重块||clump weight
喷浆法||mortar jetting method
喷气推进船||airjet propelled boat
喷砂除锈||sand blasting
喷射泵||jet dredge pump
喷射挖沟埋管法||jetting method
喷水推进||waterjet propulsion
喷水推进船||hydrojet propelled ship, waterjet [propelled] boat
喷水推进器||waterjet propulsor
喷涂||spray painting
喷丸除锈||shot peening
喷盐雾试验||salt fog test
喷嘴||soil discharging nozzle
砰击载荷||slamming load
篷顶灯||ceiling light
膨胀容积||allowance for expansion
膨胀水箱||fresh water expansion tank
膨胀弯管||expansion loop
片体间距||demihull spacing
片体水线宽||waterline breadth of demihull for catamaran
片状空化||sheet cavitation, laminar cavitation
偏航角||yaw angle
偏流角||drift angle
偏模直拖试验||oblique model towing test
漂浮式下水||floating launching
漂浮烟雾信号||bouyant smoke signal
漂心||center of floatation
撇缆||throw overboard line
平板舵||single plate rudder
平板龙骨||plate keel
平衡舱盖||balanced hatchcover
平衡舵||balanced rudder
平甲板船||flush deck ship
平均吃水||mean draft
平均叶宽||mean blade width
平均叶宽比||mean blade width ratio
平面舱壁||plane bulkhead
平面分段||flat section
平面运动机构||planar motion mechanism
平面运动机构试验||planar motion mechanism test
平台调平||platform erection
平台罗经||stabilized gyrocompass
平行中体||parallel middle body
平旋推进器||cycloidal propeller, VoithSchneider propeller
平旋推进器船||cycloidal propeller ship, Voith Schneider ship
平置式人孔盖||flush manhole cover
屏蔽电缆||shielding cable
屏蔽室||shielded enclosure
破冰船||icebreaker, icebreaking ship
破冰型艏||icebreaker bow
破舱水线||flood waterline
破舱稳性||damaged stability
破雷舰||special minesweeper
剖面仪绞车||profiler winch
铺管驳||pipelaying barge
铺管参数||pipe laying parameters
铺管船||pipelaying vessel
铺管船法||pipelaying vessel metbod
普遍腐蚀||general corrosion
旗箱||flag chest
起动空气分配器||starting air distributor
起动空气系统||starting air system
起动压力||starting pressure
起动用给水泵||cold start feed water pump
起动装置||starting device
起货机平台||winch platform
起货绞车||cargo winch
起货设备||cargo lift equipment
起货设备吊重试验||load test for cargo handling gear
起货索具||derrick rigging
起居舱室||accommodation, living quarter
起居甲板||accommodation deck
起落绞车||hoisting winch
起锚绞盘||anchor capstan
起锚系泊组合机||combined windlass/mooring winch
起升机械下水||shiplift launching
起艇绞车||boat winch
起网机||net winch
起网机组||net hauling system
起重船||floating crane, crane barge
起重桅||derrick mast
起重柱||derrick post
气笛||air horn
气垫船||aircushion vessel, hovercraft
气垫面积||cushion area
气动泵||pneumatic dredge pump
气动式造波机||pneumatic wave generator
气缸体定位||positioning of cylinder block
气缸油泵||cylinder oil service pump
气缸油计量柜||cylinder oil measuring tank
气缸油贮存柜||cylinder oil storage tank
气力提升泵||air lift mud pump
气密挡板||gas tight damper
气密门||gastight door
气密试验||airtight test
气囊下水||air bag launching
气体报警装置||gas warning system
气体浓度测量仪||gas concentration measurement instrument
气胀救生筏||inflatable liferaft
气胀密封垫||inflatable gasket
气胀式设备||inflatable appliance
弃管||pipe abandon
弃链器||cable releaser
汽封系统||turbine steam seal system
汽化油灶||vaporizing oil range
汽轮给水泵||turbine driven feed pump
汽轮机超速试验||overspeed test of steam turbine
汽轮机船||steam turbine ship
汽轮机单缸运行装置||singlecasing running device of steam turbine
汽轮机电力推进装置||steam turbine electric propulsion plant
汽轮机动力装置||steam turbine power plant
汽油浮力系统||gasoline buoyancy system, oil buoyancy system
汽油机动力装置||gasoline engine power plant
千斤索||span rope, topping lift
千斤索具||span rigging, span tackle
千斤座||topping bracket
牵索||guy, slewing guy
牵索索具||guy tackle rigging
牵索眼板||guy eye
牵索柱||guy post
牵引绞机||tractive winch
牵引式滑道||towing slipway
牵引式下水||tractor launching
前端壁||front bulkhead
前倾型艏||raked bow
前体||fore body
前桅||fore mast
潜水刀||divers knife
潜水导索||divers descending line
潜水电话||diving telephone
潜水服||diving suit
潜水工作间||diving cabin
潜水呼吸器||diving breathing apparatus
潜水加压舱||diving compression chamber
潜水减压架||decompression stage
潜水泥泵||submersible dredge pump
潜水平台||diving platform
潜水器||submersible, submersible vehicle
潜水器材舱||diving apparatus room
潜水器母船||mother ship of submersible
潜水器系统||submersible system
潜水梯||divers boat ladder
潜水头盔||divers helmet
潜水鞋||divers boots
潜水行进绳||divers distance line
潜水腰节阀||air control valve
潜水员运行器||diver assistance vehicle
潜水钟||diving bell
潜水装具||diving apparatus
浅水试验水池||shallow water tank
浅水效应||shallow water effect
浅水阻力||shallow water resistance
嵌补分段||joining section
强横梁||web beam
强肋骨||web frame
强力甲板||strength deck
强胸横梁||panting beam
强胸结构||panting arrangement
强制自航试验||English method of selfpropulsion test
桥规||bridge gauge
翘度||setback, washback
切缆器||cable cutter
切斜端||snip end
氢脆||hydrogen embrittlement
氢气压缩机||hydrogen compressor
轻舱壁||partition bulkhead, screen bulkhead
轻柴油输送泵||light diesel oil transfer pump
轻吨||light displacement ton, LDT
轻合金船||light alloy ship
轻水泡沫||aqueous film forming foam, AFFF
轻型吊杆||light derrick boom
轻型肋板||lightened floor
倾斜船台||inclined building berth
倾斜试验||inclining test
清管器收发装置||pig traps
清洁压载舱操作手册||clean ballast tank operation manual
清洁压载水||clean ballast
清洗试验||washing test
清洗系统||cleaning system
清洗装置||washing equipment
球鼻艏||bulbous bow
球扁钢||bulb flat, bulb steel
球臌型剖面||bulb section
球形接头||ball joint
球形艉||bulbous stern
区配电板||section board, distribution panel
曲柄箱透气管路||crankcase vent pipe
曲面分段||curved section
曲轴臂距差测量||measuring of crank deflection
曲轴就地加工||carnkshaft reconditioning in situs
曲轴量表||dial gauge for measuring of crank spread
曲轴箱油雾探测器||crankcase oil mist detector
曲轴修正||reconditioning of crankshaft
驱绳绞车||fibre rope handling gear
全船报警装置||general alarm
全船积载因数||ships stowage factor
全电调节||electrical governing
全封闭救生艇||totally enclosed lifeboat
全工况燃气轮机||main propulsion gas turbine
全回转推进器||alldirection propeller, rudder propeller
全降落区标志||full landing area mark
全浸区腐蚀||submerged zone corrosion
全潜船||underwater ship
全球定位系统||global positioning system, GPS
全球海上遇险和安全系统||global maritime distress and safety system, GMDSS
全燃联合动力装置||combined gas turbine and gas turbine power plant
全速倒车工况||full speed astern condition
全速级组||fullspeed stages
全洗舱||full gasfree
全向信标||omnidirectional range
裙板||skirt plate
群桩效应||pile group effect
燃料消耗试验||feul consumption test
燃料油输送泵||fuel oil transfer pump
燃气轮机船||gas turbine ship
燃气轮机电力推进装置||gas turbine electric propulsion plant
燃气轮机动力装置||gas turbine power plant
燃气轮机箱装体||gas turbine module
燃气稳压箱||gas collector
燃烧室板壁矫正||aligning of boiler furnace wall
燃油驳运系统||fuel oil transfer system
燃油舱||fuel oil tank
燃油沉淀柜||fuel oil settling tank
燃油供给泵||fuel oil supply pump
燃油柜||fuel oil tank
燃油净化系统||fuel oil purifying system
燃油日用柜||fuel oil daily tank
燃油系统||fuel oil system
燃油泄放系统||fuel oil drain system
燃油增压泵||fuel oil booster pump
扰动力||exciting force
热管热交换器||heat pipe exchanger
热交换器||heat exchanger
热井||cascade tank
热喷涂||thermal spraying
热平衡计算||heat balance calculation
热平衡试验||heat balance test
热气机动力装置||stirling engine power plant
热水柜||hot water tank
热水循环泵||hot water circulating pump
热态起动||hot starting
热态应急起动试验||emergency in hot condition test
热线图||heat balance diagram
人工岛||artificial island
人工越控装置||manual override system
人孔盖||manhole cover
人力操舵装置||manual steering gear
人力液压操舵装置||handhydraulic steering gear
人力应急操舵试验||manual emergency steering test
人力应急起锚试验||manual emergency anchoring test
人体振动允许界限||allowable limit of vibration to human body
人为噪声||manmade noise
人字式坞门||mitre caisson, twogate caisson
人字桅||bipod mast
刃形腐蚀||knifeline corrosion, knifeline attack
日用淡水泵||daily service fresh water pump
日用燃油泵||daily service fuel oil pump
容积曲线||capacity curve
容积渗透率||volume permeability
柔性构件||flexible member
入级标志||class notation
入级符号||character of class, character of classification
入级检验||classification survey
入级证书||classification certificate, certificate of class
入试航速||approach speed on testing
软梯||rope ladder
洒水短管||spraying tube
赛艇||racing boat, runner boat
三段式浮船坞||threepiece type floating dock
三副室||3rd officer room
三管轮室||3rd engineer room
三角眼板||triangular plate
三脚桅||tripod mast
三缆定位系统||threeway ropes position system
三星定位||threebody position fixing
三用拖船||tug, anchorhandling and supply vessel
三自由度运动位移测量装置||displacement metering device with 3degree of freedom
散货船||bulk carrier, bulk cargo ship
散射锚泊系统||spread anchoring system
散射系泊定位钻井船||spread moored drilling ship
散装舱容||grain cargo capacity
扫舱泵||stripping pump
扫舱系统||stripping system
扫海绞车||sweep winch
扫炉||boiler clearing
扫描声呐||scanning sonar
扫线清管器||cleaning pig
砂箱墩||block with sand box, sand block
山字钩||double hook
舢板信号灯||sampan signalling light
闪发式蒸馏装置||flash distillation plant
闪发室||flash chamber
商船||merchant ship, commercial ship
上驳分析||load out analysis
上部结构||topside, superstructure
上层建筑甲板||superstructure deck
上层建筑强度||superstructure strength
上层建筑整体吊装||lifting and mounting complete superstructure
上导轮||top tumbler
上导轮平台||monkey frame, top tumbler frame
上舵承||rudder carrier
上甲板||upper deck
上排||up to patent slip
梢厚||blade tip thickness
梢涡||tip vortex
梢涡空化||tip vortex cavitation
梢隙||blade tip clearance
蛇形造波机||snake type wave generator
设计吃水||designed draft
设计航速||design speed
设计环境条件||design environmental conditions
设计排水量||designed displacement
设计水深||design water depth
设计水线||designed waterline
设计水线长||designed waterline length, LWL
射电天文导航||radio celestial navigation
射频无反射室||radio frequency anechoic enclosure
射水抽气器||air ejector
射水抽水器||water ejector
伸缩接管||expansion joint, stuffing box
伸缩接头||telescopic joint
伸缩型舱口盖||telescopic hatch cover
伸张轮廓||expended outline
伸张面积||expended area
伸张面积比||expended area ratio
深舱||deep tank
深舱舱壁||deep tank bulkhead
深舱肋骨||deep tank frame
深潜救生艇||deep submersible rescue vehicle, DSRV
深潜器||deep diving submersible, bathyscaphe
深潜系统||deep diving system
深水底栖拖网绞车||deep sea trawl winch
深水锚锚缆||anchor rope for deep sea
深水密封电缆||submersible watertight cable
深水抛锚绞车||deep sea anchor winch
深温计绞车||depth temperature meter winch
甚长波通信||very long wave communication, myriametric wave communication
升船机||ship lift, ship elevator
升高甲板||raised deck
升降式舱口盖||lift hatch cover
升降装置||jacking system
升降状态||jacking condition
升力阻尼||lift effect damping
生产测试船||production test ship
生产储油船||production storage tanker
生产平台||production platform
生存吃水||survival draft
生存环境条件||survival environmental conditions
生存排水量||survival displacement
生存状态||survival condition
生活平台||accommodation platform
生活污水标准排放接头||sewage standard discharge connection
生活污水储存柜||sewage holding tank
生活污水粉碎消毒设备||sewage macerator chlorintor system
声光报警器||audible and visual alarm
声光信号设备||audible and visible signal equipment
声力电话机||sound powered telephone
声呐参数||sonar parameters
声呐舱||sonar transducer space
声呐导流罩||sonar dome
声呐导流罩涂料||sonar dome paint
声呐电缆绞车||sonar cable winch
声呐发射机||sonar transmitter
声呐方程||sonar equations
声呐浮标||sonobuoy, acoustic beacon
声呐基阵||sonar array
声呐接收机||sonar receiver
声速测量仪||sound velocimeter
声相关计程仪||acoustic correlation log
声响信号器||acoustic signalling system
圣劳伦斯航道导缆器||Saint Lawrence fairlead
圣劳伦斯运河信号灯||St.Lawrence sea way signal light
失控灯||notundercommand light
失速||speed loss
失压报警器||novolt alarm
施救浮索||buoyant rescue quoit
施矩速率||torquing rate
湿舱||wet chamber
湿面积||wetted surface
湿喷砂除锈||wet sand blasting
湿式阀装置||wet alarm valve installation
湿式潜水器||wet submersible
十字带缆桩||cross bitt
十字环支架||cross ring flexible joint
时子午线||time meridian
实肋板||solid floor, plate floor
实效伴流||effective wake
实芯绝缘电缆||solid dielectric cable
实用腐蚀试验||service test
事故污染||accidental pollution
视觉显示||visual presentation
试车码头||quay for mooring trial
试航速度||trial speed
试验池实船自航点||selfpropulsion point of ship under tank conditions
试验船||research ship
试验临界雷诺数||critical Reynolds number for experiment
试验状态||test condition
室内船台||covered berth
适伴流螺旋桨||wakeadapted propeller
收到功率||delivered power
收到功率系数||Taylors propeller coefficient based on delivered power
收管||pipe retrieval
手持火焰信号||hand flare
手动火灾报警装置||manual fire alarm system
手孔盖||handhole cover
守护船||standby ship
艏部结构||stem structure
艏吃水||fore draft
艏垂线||forward perpendicular
艏舵||bow rudder
艏封板||bow transom plate
艏滑轮架||bow sheave assembly
艏尖舱||fore peak
艏尖舱泵||forepeak pump
艏锚||bow anchor
艏锚绞车||bow position winch
艏门||bow door
艏翘||cocking up of forebody
艏倾||trim by bow
艏升高甲板船||raised foredeck ship
艏斜浪||bow sea
艏支架||fore poppet
艏支架压力||fore poppet pressure
枢心||pivoting point
疏水泵||drainage pump
输油平台||transfer platform
输鱼槽||fish channel
竖桁||vertical girder
数控平面运动拖车||computer controlled planar motion carriage
数学型线||mathematical lines
数字选择性呼叫||digital selective calling, DSC
双板舱壁||double plate bulkhead
双层底||double bottom
双层底舱||double bottom tank
双层管||double tube
双杆操作钩||married hook
双杆吊货装置||union purchase [system]
双甲板船||doubledecked ship
双节卷筒||split drum
双截门||doubleleaf door
双壳船||doubleskin ship, double hull ship
双壳泥泵||double wall dredge pump
双链转环||mooring swivel
双路供电||duplicate supply, two circuit feeding
双频鱼探仪||double frequency fish finder
双曲线系统||hyperbolic system
双燃料发动机||dualfuel engine
双体船||catamaran, twinhull ship
双向桁架||twodirection truss
双星定位||twobody position fixing
双支承舵||double bearing rudder
双轴系||twin shafting
水动力导数||hydrodynamic force derivatives
水动力分量||hydrodynamic force components
水封泵||gland pump
水击压力||surge pressure
水密舱壁||watertight bulkhead
水密分舱||watertight subdivision
水密肋板||watertight floor
水密门||watertight door
水面高程||water level elevation
水面拖法||surface tow method
水面战斗舰艇||surface combat ship
水泥船||concrete ship
水平船台||horizontal building berth
水平桁||horizontal girder
水平建造法||horizontal method of hull construction
水平弯曲振动||horizontal flexural vibration
水平鱼探仪||horizontal fish finder
水平运动补偿器||horizontal displacement compensator
水平指示灯||horizon indicating lamp
水平肘板||horizontal bracket
水上合拢||afloat joining ship sections
水声对讲机||hydrophone intercommunicator
水声反声材料||underwater acoustic reflection material
水声透声材料||under water acoustic transmission material
水声吸声材料||under water acoustic absorption material
水声学电缆绞车||hydrosound cable winch
水文吊杆||hydrological davit
水文绞车||hydrographic winch
水下爆炸试验水池||underwater explosion tank
水下侧面积||lateral underwater area
水下导缆桩||anchor line guide spud
水下吊深||hoisting height below water level
水下覆护||underwater revetement
水下管汇||subsea manifold
水下管汇中心||subsea manifold center
水下监听站||underwater monitoring station
水下胶黏剂||underwater adhesive
水下居住舱||underwater habitat
水下黏合||underwater adhesion
水下设备||subsea equipment
水下生产系统||subsea production system
水下施工涂料||underwater brushable paint
水下维修||underwater maintenance
水下游览船||tourist submersible, underwater sightseeingboat
水下作业灯||submerged lamp
水下作业机械||underwater operating machine
水下作业站||underwater working station
水线长||waterline length
水线后段||waterline ending
水线宽||waterline breadth
水线面||water plane
水线面面积曲线||curve of areas of waterplanes
水线面系数||waterline coefficient
水线平行段||parallel waterline
水线前段||waterline beginning
水线区腐蚀||waterline zone corrosion, boottopping corrosion
水线涂料||boottopping paint
水压计程仪||pressure log
水压试验||hydrostatic test
水翼三分力仪||3component balance for hydrofoil
水翼艇||hydrofoil craft
水银水压计程仪||mercury balance log
顺应式结构||compliant structure
顺应式生产系统||compliant production system
瞬态波||transient wave
瞬态波试验||transient wave test
送网管||net carrying pipe
苏伊士运河吨位||Suez canal tonnage
苏伊士运河探照灯||Suez canal searchlight
苏伊士运河信号灯||Suez canal signalling light
速闭舱盖||quickclosing hatchcover
速关阀||main stop valve
速率积分陀螺||rateintegrating gyro
速率陀螺||rate gyro
随边||trailing edge
随边半径||radius of trailing edge
随船架||boat carriage
随浪||following sea
碎泥刀||mud breaker
碎石锤||rock breaker, drop chisel
隧道顶线||tunnel top line
隧道艉||tunnel stern
损管设备室||damage control equipment room
损失浮力||lost buoyancy
损失水线面面积||lost waterplane area
缩尺比||scale ratio
锁制试验||fixed propeller test, locked propeller
锁轴试验||shaft locked test
塔式建造法||pyramid method of hull construction
踏步||foot steps
胎架||assembly jig, jig, moulding bed
抬船甲板||pontoon deck
套合||shrinking on
特殊区域||special area
特征潮位||characteristic tide levels
梯道布置||stairway and passage way arrangement
天幕帘||awning curtains
天幕索||awning rope
天桥||connecting bridge
天体计算方位||calculated azimuth of celestial body
天体真方位||true azimuth of celestial body
天文导航||celestial navigation
天文导航系统||celestial navigation system
天文定位点||celestial fix
天文定位圆||celestial position circle
天文—惯性导航系统||celestial-inertial navigation system
天文经纬仪||celestial theodolite
天文位置||astronomical position
天线调谐器||antenna tuner
跳板门||ramp door
铁丸压载||shot ballast, iron shot
听觉显示||audible presentation
停泊发电机组||habor generating set
停船试验||stopping test
艇||boat, craft
艇吊钩||lifting hook
艇滑架||lifeboat skate
艇甲板||boat deck
艇座||boat chock
通舱管件||pipe penetration piece
通道||passage, alleyway
通风机室||fan room
通风水密闸阀||watertight sluice valve for ship ventilation
通海阀[箱]||sea suction valve
通焊孔||clearance hole
通孔尺寸||clear size of opening
同步卫星||synchronous satellite
投影轮廓||projected outline
投影面积||projected area
投影面积比||projected area ratio
透光尺寸||clear light size
透气孔||air hole
涂料缺陷||coating defect
涂装||hull painting
推架式系结||towknee type linkage
推进电机||propulsion electric machine
推进风机||propulsive fan
推进器||propeller, propulsor
推进器柱||propeller post
推进式坞门||propelling gate
推进系数||propulsive coefficient
推进效率||propulsive efficiency
推进装置||propelling plant
推力功率||thrust power
推力功率系数||Taylors propeller coefficient based on thrust power
推力减额||thrust deduction
推力减额分数||thrust deduction fraction
推力减额因数||thrust deduction factor
推力器系统||thruster system
推力系数||thrust coefficient
推力仪||thrust meter
推力载荷系数||thrust loading coefficient
推力轴||thrust shaft
推力轴承龛||thrust block niche
推力轴承座||thrust bearing seating
推力轴轴承||thrust bearing, thrust block
推入量起始点||pullup start point
推拖设备||push and towing arrangement
推压机构||dipper crowding gear
托盘管理||pallet control
拖船||tug, tugboat, tow boat, towing vessel
拖带灯||towing light
拖钩||towing hook
拖钩台||towing hook platform
拖管法||tow method
拖管头||pulling head
拖航分析||towing analysis
拖航潜水器||towed vehicle
拖航状态||towing condition
拖缆||towing line, towrope
拖缆承架||towing beam
拖缆绞车||towing winch
拖缆孔||towing chock bullnose
拖缆系缆绞车||towing bridle winch
拖缆限位器||stop posts for towline
拖曳弓架||towing arch
拖曳航速||towing speed
拖曳滑车||towing block
拖曳设备试验||towing equipment test
拖曳水池||towing tank
拖轴试验||shaft trailed test
拖桩||towing post
脱成分腐蚀||dealloying, selective corrosion
脱险口||escape scuttle
脱轴试验||shaft disengaged test
陀螺罗经对准||gyrocompass alignment
陀螺罗经室||gyrocompass room
陀螺漂移||gyro drift
椭圆艉||elliptical stern
挖泥船自控程序系统||automated control system of dredging processes
挖泥机具||dredging facility
挖泥设备||dredging equipment
外板||shell plate
外加电流阴极保护||impressed current cathodic protection
外立管||external riser
外通道||exterior passage way
外舾装||deck outfitting
外斜轴系||diverging shafting
外形吃水||navigational draft
外旋||outward turning
万向架||gimbal table
网板架||trawl gallow
网位仪||netsounder, trawlink
危险货船标志灯||flashing light for vessel carrying dangerous cargo
危险区域||hazardous areas
微处理机自动化电站||automatic power plant with microprocessor
围蔽处所||enclosed spaces
围壁||trunk bulkhead
围帘||weather screen
围裙材料||hovercraft skirt material
围罩梯口||companion, companion way
桅灯||mast [head] light, range light
桅设备||mast and rigging
桅室||mast room
桅索具||mast rigging
桅柱||lower mast
尾部敞开井||open stern well
尾滚筒||stern barrel, stern roll
尾流试验||wake measurement behind stern
尾流阻力||resistance of trailing stream
尾涡空化||trailing vortex cavitation
艉部结构||stern structure
艉部振动||stern vibration
艉吃水||after draft
艉垂线||after perpendicular
艉灯||stern light
艉封板||stern transom plate
艉浮||lift by the stern
艉管||stern tube
艉管滑油泵||stern tube lubricating oil pump
艉管滑油循环柜||stern tube lubricating oil sump tank
艉管滑油重力柜||stern tube lubricating oil gravity tank
艉管密封装置||stern shaft sealing
艉管前密封滑油柜||forward stern tube sealing oil tank
艉管填料函||sterntube stuffing box
艉管油封用油泵||forward stern tube sealing oil pump
艉横梁||transom beam
艉滑轮||stern sheave
艉机型布置||after engine arrangement
艉机型船||sternengined ship
艉尖舱舱壁||afterpeak bulkhead
艉肋板||transom floor
艉锚||stern anchor
艉锚绞车||stern position winch
艉门||stern port
艉鳍||deadwood skeg
艉翘||cocking up of after body
艉倾||trim by stern
艉升高甲板船||raised quarterdeck ship
艉斜浪||quartering sea
艉支架||after poppet
艉轴管水压试验||hydraulic test of stern tube sleeve
艉轴架||propeller shaft bracket, propeller struts, Abracket
艉轴转速表||electric propeller shaft revolution indicator receiver
艉轴转速发送器||electric propeller shaft revolution indicator transmitter
艉轴转速指示器||electric propeller shaft revolution indicator
艉柱||stern post
艉柱底骨||sole piece
卫生泵||sanitary pump
卫生单元||sanitary unit
卫星导航||satellite navigation
卫星导航系统||satellite navigation system
卫星通信||satellite communication
位置检测系统||position detecting system
位置稳定性||positional stability
温盐深电缆绞车||salt temperature deep cable winch
紊流探测器||turbulence detector
稳定回转阶段||steady turning period
稳索||preventer guy
稳心半径||metacentric radius
稳心曲线||locus of metacenters
稳性衡准数||stability criterion numeral
稳性消失角||angle of vanishing stability
稳压空气瓶||air bottle with steady pressure
卧倒式坞门||flap caisson, flap gate, flap type gate
污泥柜||sludge tank
污染海水腐蚀||polluted sea water corrosion
污染源||source of pollution
污水泵||sewage water pump
污水舱||bilge water tank
污水井||bilge well
污物粉碎泵||sewage cutting pump
污压载水||dirty ballast
污液舱||slop tank
污油舱||sludge tank, dirty oil tank
无挡锚链||studless chain
无杆锚||stockless anchor
无功功率自动分配||automatic share of reactive power
无空化||noncavitating, subcavitation
无缆系结装置||ropeless linkage
无缆遥控潜水器||untethered remotely operated vehicle
无人[值班]机舱||unattended machinery space
无人潜水器||unmanned submersible
无线电报自动拍发器||automatic radiotelegraph keying device
无线电测距||radio range finding
无线电测向||radio direction finding
无线电测向仪||radio direction finder, RDF
无线电导航||radio navigation
无线电话报警信号发生器||radiotelephone alarm signal generator
无线电话遇险频率值班收信机||radiotelephone distress frequency watch receive
无线电罗盘||radio compass
无线电通信||radio communication
无线电信标||radio beacon
无油润滑空[气]压[缩]机||oil free air compressor
坞壁||dock wall
坞壁作业车||dock side travelling, dock side stage
坞底||dock bottom, bottom
坞墩||docking block
坞坎||dock sill, sill
坞口||dock entrance
坞龙骨||docking keel
坞门||dock gate, caisson
坞内净宽||net width between wing walls
坞内找正||alignment in dock
坞墙||wing wall
坞墙顶甲板||top deck
坞墙通道||wing wall passage
坞室||dock chamber
坞首||dock head
坞修||docking repair
误操作报警器||wrong operation alarm
西林舵||Schilling rudder
吸泥管线||suction pipeline
吸盘||dustpan suction tube
吸收钳||absorbing clamp
吸头||soil receiver suction end
牺牲阳极||sacrificial anode, galvanic anode
牺牲阳极闭路电位||closed potential for sacrificial anode
牺牲阳极材料||sacrificial anode material
牺牲阳极电流效率||current efficiency for sacrificial anode
牺牲阳极开路电位||open potential for sacrificial anode
牺牲阳极利用效率||utilization coefficient for sacrificial anode
牺牲阳极驱动电压||driving voltage for sacrificial anode
牺牲阳极阴极保护||sacrificial anode cathodic protection, galvanic anode protection
舾装码头||fittingout quay
舾装设备||outfit of deck and accommodation
舾装数||equipment number
洗舱孔||tank cleaning opening
洗舱水||tank washings
洗炉||washing boiler
系泊设备||mooring equipment
系泊设备试验||mooring arrangement test
系泊试验||mooring trial
系泊旋转接头||mooring swivel
系泊状态||moored condition
系缆具||mooring fittings
系缆索||mooring line
系列船模||series of ship models
系列螺旋桨试验||systematic screw series experiments
系统间电磁兼容性||intersystem electromagnetic compatibility
系统内电磁兼容性||intrasystem electromagnetic compatibility
系桩拉力||bollard pull
下导轮||lower tumbler
下舵承||neck bearing
下潜平台||submerged platform
下水驳||launching barge
下水车||launching cradle
下水墩||launching block
下水分析||launching analysis
下水桁架||launching truss
下水横梁||launching beam
下水油脂||launching grease
下水支架||launching poppet
下体||lower hull
纤维索||fiber rope
舷边动力滚柱||side power roller
舷侧阀||ship side valve
舷侧外板||side plating
舷侧纵骨||side longitudinal
舷侧纵桁||side stringer
舷窗||side scuttle
舷灯||side light
舷顶列板||sheer strake
舷门||side port
舷门灯||gangway light
舷内机舷外推进||outboard propulsion with inboard engine
舷墙门||gangway port
舷墙梯||bulwark ladder
舷桥||wharf ladder
舷伸甲板||sponson deck
舷梯||accommodation ladder
舷梯绞车||accommodation ladder winch
舷梯强度试验||proof test for accommodation ladder
舷外撑臂||outrigger offboard pole
舷外挂机推进||outboard engine propulsion
舷外跨距||boom outreach
舷外冷却||outboard cooling
舷外排出阀||overboard discharge valve
舷沿救生索||buoyant lifeline
线路阻抗稳定网络||line impedance stabilization network, LISN
限界线||margin line
限制航道阻力||restricted water resistance
限制降落区标志||restricted landing area mark
相对计程仪||speed through the water log
相对旋转效率||relative rotative efficiency
相序指示器||phase sequence indicator
箱形舱口盖||pontoon hatchcover
箱形中桁材||duct center girder
响应谱||response spectrum
巷识别||lane identification
巷识别计||laneidentification meter
消波器||wave damper
消磁船||degaussing ship
消防泵||fire pump
消防船||firefighting ship
消防控制室||firecontrol room
消防气瓶||firefighting bottle
消防系统效用试验||proof test for fireextinguishing systems
消防总用泵||fire and general service pump
消灭曲线||curve of extinction
小水线面双体船||small waterplane area twin hull, SWATH
校气阀间隙||check of the tappet clearance
校气缸余隙||check of play between piston and cylinder cover
楔块装置||wedge system
斜舱壁||sloping bulkhead
斜船架||wedge type launching cradle
斜船架滑道||slipway with wedge type launching
斜肋骨||cant frame
斜梁||cant beam
斜梯||inclined ladder
斜置修正||heading to oblique wave correction
泄水系统||drainage system
信号绳||signal line
信号探照灯||signalling searchlight
信号桅||signal mast
信号烟火||pyrotechnic signal
信号烟雾||smoke signal
兴波阻力||wave making resistance
兴波阻尼||wave making damping
星体跟踪仪||astro tracker
星形链||star chain
行李舱||luggage room
形状稳性力臂曲线||cross curves of stability
形状系数||form coefficient
型吃水||molded draft
型宽||molded breadth
型排水量||molded displacement
型排水体积||molded volume
型排水体积曲线||curve of molded displaced volumes versus draft
型深||molded depth
型线||molded lines
型线图||lines plan
型值表||table of offsets
汹涛阻力||roughsea resistance
修船浮筒||buoy for repairing
修井驳||workover barge
修井平台||workover platform
修理船||repair ship
修理门槽||gate channel for repairing
修正后初重稳距||virtual initial metacentric height
需用系数||demand factor, diversity factor
许可舱长||permissible length
蓄电池室||battery room
悬臂自升式钻井平台||cantilever jackup drilling unit, cantilever jackup drilling platform
悬高杆长比||suspension heightboom length ratio
悬挂舵||spade rudder, under hung rudder
悬降区标志||winching area mark
悬空段长度||suspended length
悬链锚腿系泊装置||catenary anchor leg mooring, CALM
旋臂试验||rotatingarm test
旋臂水池||rotating arm basin
旋涡阻尼||eddy making damping
旋转视窗||clearview screen
旋转弯头||turning gland
选择性保护||discriminative protection
巡回检测装置||data logger
巡洋舰艉||cruiser stern
循环滑油舱||circulating lubricating oil tank
循环水泵||circulating pump
循环水槽||circulating water channel
循环水系统||circulating water system
训练船||training ship
压电换能器||piezoelectric transducer
压筋板||swaged plate
压力补偿装置||pressure compensation device
压力管线||pressure pipeline
压力式滑油系统||forced lubricating oil system
压力—重力式滑油系统||gravity forcedfeed oiling system
压铅||divers lead weight
压载泵||ballast pump
压载水舱||ballast water tank
压载系统||ballasting system
压阻力||pressure resistance
沿海船||coaster vessel
盐水空气抽除器||combined air brine ejector
盐雾试验||salt spray test
檐板||curtain plate
衍射力||diffraction force
阳极屏蔽层||anode shield
阳极屏蔽层涂料||anode shield paint
阳极氧化||anodization, anode oxidation
摇板式造波机||flap type wave generator
业务衡准数||criterion of service numeral
叶背||back of blade
叶侧投影||side projection of blade
叶侧投影限界||limit of side projection of blade
叶端||blade end
叶根||blade root
叶根空化||root cavitation
叶厚比||blade thickness ratio
叶面||face of blade
叶面比||blade area ratio
叶面参考线||blade reference line
叶面空化||face cavitation
叶频||blade frequency
叶切面||blade section
叶梢||blade tip
叶梢空化||tip cavitation
叶元体||blade element
曳纲滑轮||warp block
曳纲束锁||towing lock
曳绳钓起线机||trolling gurdy
液舱||liquid tank
液舱容积||tank capacity
液化埋管法||fluidization method
液化石油气舱||liquified petroleum gas tank
液化石油气船||liquified petroleum gas carrier, LPG
液化天然气舱||liquified natural gas tank
液化天然气船||liquified natural gas carrier, LNG
液货船||tanker, liquid cargo ship
液体罗经||liquid compass
液压油柜||hydro oil storage tank
液压油循环柜||hydro oil sump tank
一般强度船体结构钢||normal strength hullstructural steel
一次配电系统||primary distribution system
医院船||hospital ship
移驳绞车||barge warping winch
移船锚||kedge anchor
移动绞机||shift winch
移动式辅燃气轮机||mobile auxiliary gas turbine
移动式辅燃气轮机组||mobile auxiliary gas turbine unit
移动式平台||mobile unit, mobile platform
移动式钻井平台||mobile drilling unit, mobile drilling platform
移航吃水||mobile draft
移航排水量||mobile displacement
移航状态||transit condition
溢流槽||over flow device
溢油舱||overflow oil tank
翼航吃水||foil borne draft
阴极保护||cathodic protection
阴影图||shadow diagram
音响火箭||sounding rocket
音响榴弹||sound signal shell
音响信号器具||sound signal instrument
引船驳岸||shipdirectional quay
引船绞盘||warping capstan
引发压力||initiation pressure
引航员软梯||pilot ladder
引航员升降装置||pilot hoist
引航员梯试验||proof test for pilot ladder
引航员椅||pilot chair
饮水舱||drinking water tank
饮水舱涂料||potable water tank paint
饮用水泵||drinking water pump
饮用水矿化器||mineralizing equipment of drinking water
应急舱底水吸入阀||emergency bilge suction valve
应急舱口||escape hatch
应急操舵装置||emergency steering gear
应急操纵性||crash maneuverability
应急灯||emergency light
应急电源||emergency source of electrical power
应急电站||emergency electrical power plant
应急舵||jury rudder
应急发电机室||emergency generator room
应急航行机组||takehome engine unit
应急抛载装置||emergeney ejectioning device
应急配电板||emergency switchboard
应急疏水试验||emergency draining test
应急无线电示位标||emergency positionindicating radio beacon, EPIRB
应急消防泵||emergency fire pump
应力腐蚀断裂||stress corrosion cracking
应力集中||stress concentration
涌浪补偿器||swell compensator
邮件舱||mail room
油舱盖||oil tank hatchcover
油舱涂料||oil tank paint
油船||oil tanker, oil carrier
油量瞬间排放率||instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content
油密舱壁||oiltight bulkhead
油密肋板||oiltight floor
油漆间||paint store
油散矿船||ore/bulk/oil carrier, OBO
油水分界面||oilwater demarcation face
油水分离设备||oilywater separating equipment
油水界面探测器||oilwater interface detector
油污水分离装置||oily water separator
油雾试验||oil fog test
油性混合物||oily mixture
油压试验||oil test
油脂滑道||greased slipway
游步甲板||promenade deck
游艇||pleasure craft, yacht, refreshment boat
鱿鱼钓机||squid angling machine
有挡锚链||stud chain
有毒液体物质||noxious liquid substance
有杆锚||stock anchor
有害物质||harmful substance
有机物覆盖层||organic coating
有缆潜水器||tethered submersible
有效波倾角||effective wave slope
有效波倾系数||coefficient of effective wave slope
有效干舷||effective freeboard
有效功率||effective power
有效推力||effective thrust
有义波高||significant wave height
右开式||right hand model
右旋||righthand turning
右转机组||righthand revolving engine unit
诱鱼灯||fish attraction light
鱼雷快艇||torpedo boat, fast attack craft, FAC
鱼探仪||fish finder
渔船||fishing vessel
渔业灯||fishing light
渔业基地船||fishing depot ship
渔政船||fishery administration ship
雨淋阀装置||deluge valve installation
预压状态||preloading condition
预作用装置||preaction valve installation
原油洗舱||crude oil washing, COW
原油油船||crude oil tanker
圆概率误差||circular error probability, CEP
远洋船||ocean going ship
约束管道||restrained line
云状空化||cloud cavitation
运动补偿设备||motion compensation equipment
运动件校中||centering of moving parts
运河式船坞||canalled dock
运煤船||coal carrier
运木船||timber carrier, log carrier
运输船||transport ship
运输分析||transportation analysis
运畜船||cattle carrier
运转试验||running trial
杂货船||general cargo ship
杂散电流腐蚀||straycurrent corrosion
载驳船||barge carrier, lighter aboard ship
载管驳||pipe barge
载荷曲线||load curve
载货甲板||cargo deck
载货量||cargo dead weight
载人潜水器||manned submersible
载重量标尺||deadweight scale
载重量分布||deadweight distribution
载重量系数||deadweight displacement ratio
载重线标志||loadline mark
再热循环汽轮机装置||reheat steam turbine plant
在位分析||in place analysis
遭遇角||wave encounter angle
早期生产系统||early production system, EPS
造波机||wave generator, wave maker
增安型电气设备||increased safety equipment
增安荧光篷顶灯||increased safety type fluorescent ceiling light
增压柴油机||supercharged diesel engine
闸式潜水器||lockin lockout submersible, lockout submersible
闸室装置||lockin lockout chamber
窄带发射||narrowband emission
窄带干扰||narrowband interference
粘性阻力||viscous resistance
粘压阻力||viscous pressure resistance
展开轮廓||developed outline
展开面积||developed area
展开面积比||developed area ratio
战斗舰艇||combatant ship, combat ship
战术直径||tactical diameter
站||ordinate station
站线||station ordinates
张力腿平台||tension leg platform, TLP
找止点||setting of top dead center
遮光窗帘||shade curtain
折边肘板||flanged bracket
折刀式门||jackknife door
折叠式舱口盖||folding hatchcover
折减系数||reduction coefficient
折角线||knuckle line
针管热交换器||pin tube heat exchanger
侦察船||scout ship
真北||true north
真航向||true course
真空冷凝器||vacuum condenser
真空式收集||vacuum collection
真艏向||true heading
振荡仪试验||oscillator test
振动烈度||vibration severity
振动允许界限||allowable limit of vibration
蒸馏水泵||distillate pump
蒸汽淡水引射器||mixing water and steam injector
蒸汽动力装置||steam power plant
蒸汽机船||steam ship, steamer
蒸汽机动力装置||steam engine power plant
蒸汽警笛||steam whistle
蒸—燃联合动力装置||combined steam and gas turbine power plant
整理水池||unravel water tank
整流罩舵||bulbtype rudder
整体式浮船坞||single unit floating dock
正车部分||ahead parts
正车动叶||ahead moving blade
正车工况||ahead condition
正车喷嘴||ahead nozzle
正车油动机||ahead servomotor
正浮||floating on even keel, zero trim
正压型电气设备||pressurized equipment
支索桅||stayed mast
支线传送装置||branch line conveyer
支线起线机||branch line winder
直接连接||lug connection
直径系数||Taylors diameter constant, Taylors advance coefficient
直立型艏||vertical bow
直流电力推进装置||D.C.electric propulsion plant
直流双线负极接地系统||negative earthed D.C.twowire system
直流双线绝缘系统||D.C.twowire insulated system
直升机甲板||helicopter deck
直升机甲板照明灯||helicopter deck surface flood light
直升机甲板指示灯||helicopter deck indicating light
直梯||vertical ladder
直线拖曳试验||straight line towing test
直线稳定性||straight line stability
值班报警装置||watch alarm
止点规||dead center gauge
止屈器||buckle arrestor
指挥电话机||command telephone
指令速率||command rate
制荡板||swash plate
制荡舱壁||swash bulkhead
制动转速||braked speed
制动装置试验||brake test
制流板||swash plate
制流板舵||swash plate rudder
中波通信||mediumwave communication
中舵||certerline rudder
中桁材||center girder
中横剖面||midship section
中横剖面系数||midship section coefficient
中机型船||amidshipsengined ship
中间空气冷却器||inter cooler
中间肋骨||intermediate frame
中间轴||intermediate shaft
中间轴轴承||intermediate shaft bearing, plumer block
中内龙骨||center keelson
中速雾喷头||medium velocity watersprayer
中线面||center line plane
中心系泊定位钻井船||center moored drilling ship, turret moored drilling ship
中性点经低阻接地的交流三相三线系统||A.C.threephase threewire system with lowresistance earthed neutral
中性点经高阻接地的交流三相三线系统||A.C.threephase threewire system with highresistance earthed neutral
中性点直接接地的交流三相三线系统||A.C.threephase threewire system with directly earthed neutral
中压空气瓶||medium pressure air bottle
中央井||center well, moonpool
中站面||midstation plane
中轴系||center shafting
中纵舱壁||centerline bulkhead
中纵剖面||longitudinal section in center plane
舯剖面惯性矩||moment of inertia of midship section
重柴油输送泵||heavy diesel oil transfer pump
重叠船模||double model
重叠螺旋桨||overlap propeller
重防蚀涂料||heavyduty paint
重力环||gravity disc
重力式吊艇架||gravitytype davit
重力式滑油系统||gravity lubricating oil system
重力式平台||gravity platform
重力式收集||gravity collection
重力式系泊塔||gravity mooring tower
重力式下水||gravity launching
重力仪绞车||gravimeter winch
重力油柜||gravity oil tank
重量曲线||weight curve
重稳距||metacentric height
重现期||recurrence period
重心||center of gravity
重型吊杆装置||heavy lift derrick
轴包覆||shaft lining
轴包套||shaft bossing
轴承刮削||scraping of bearing
轴承跨距||bearing span
轴承力||bearing force
轴带发电机||shaft generator
轴法兰||shaft flange
轴毂||propeller boss
轴模||shaft grinding segment
轴隧||shaft tunnel
轴隧艉室||tunnel recess
轴套||shaft liner
轴套黏接||shaft liner bonding
轴套水压试验||hydraulic test of tailshaft sleeve
轴套油压试验||oil test of tailshaft sleeve
轴系传动装置||transmisson gear of shafting
轴系传动装置效率||transmission gear efficiency of shafting
轴系负荷校中||load alignment of shafting
轴系共振||resonant vibration of shafting
轴系固有频率||natural frequency of shafting
轴系回旋振动||whirling vibration of shafting
轴系接地装置||shaftinggrounding device, shaftingearthing device
轴系临界转速||critical speed of shafting
轴系扭振测量||shafting torsional vibration test
轴系扭转振动||torsional vibration of shafting
轴系首尾基准点||foreaft datum marks of shafting
轴系效率||transmission efficiency of shafting
轴系校中||shafting alignment
轴系找中||centering of shafting
轴系直线校中||straight alignment of shafting
轴系制动器||shafting brake, shaftlocking device
轴系中线||shafting center line
轴系纵向振动||axial vibration of shafting, longitudinal vibration of shafting
轴线上叶厚||blade thickness on axial line
轴支架投落试验||drop test for shaft bracket
肘板连接||bracket connection
主舱||main chamber
主操舵装置||main steering gear
主柴油机||main diesel engine
主尺度||principal dimensions
主尺度比||dimension ratio
主船体||main hull
主电源||main source of electrical power
主电站||main electrical powor plant
主动舵||active rudder
主动舵电力推进装置||active rudder electric propulsion plant
主发电机组||main generating set
主辅机自动报警装置||automatic alarm for main engine and auxiliary engine
主干电缆||main cable
主给水系统||main feed system
主钩起重量||main hook load
主机||main engine
主机传令复示器||engine telegraph repeater
主机传令记录器||engine telegraph logger
主机基座||main engine foundation
主机校中||determination for main engine []
主空气瓶||main air bottle
主缆||main pushtowing rope
主肋骨||main frame
主罗经||master compass
主配电板||main switchboard
主汽轮机||main steam turbine
主汽轮机齿轮机组轴端功率||shaft power of main steam turbinegeared units
主汽轮机组||main steam turbine set
主燃气轮机||main gas turbine
主燃气轮机组||main gas turbine set
主台||master station
主要构件||primary member
主要要素||principal particulars
主用发信机||main transmitter
主用收信机||main receiver
主蒸汽温度||main steam temperature
主蒸汽系统||main steam system
主蒸汽压力||main steam pressure
主轴颈下沉量||deflection of main journal
主坐标平面||principal coordinate planes
煮炉||boiling out
住舱单元||cabin unit
注水式船坞||flooding dock
铸造锚链钢||steel for cast chain cables
抓斗机||grab machine, jib crane
抓斗稳索||grab stabilizer line
专用清洁压载泵||clean ballast pump
专用压载舱保护位置||protective [] of segregated ballast tank, SBT/PL
专用压载水||segregated ballast
专用压载水舱||segregated ballast tank, SBT
转驳柜||transfer tank
转出式吊艇架||radial davit
转船力矩||moment of turning ship
转动导缆孔||universal chock
转舵阶段||maneuvering period
转环卸扣||swivel shackle
转矩系数||torque coefficient
转矩仪||torque meter
转艏性||course changing quality
转艏滞后||course change lag
转速禁区||barredspeed range
转柱带缆桩||rotating bollard
转柱舵||rotating cylinder rudder
桩贯入深度||pile penetration
桩基||pile foundation
桩基平台||pilesupported platform
桩式系泊塔||piled mooring tower
桩腿||spud leg
桩靴自升式钻井平台||footing jackup drilling unit, footing jackup drilling platform
坠落试验||drop test
自持式水下呼吸器||selfcontained umderwater breathing apparatus, SCUBA
自动测向仪||automatic direction finder, ADF
自动雷达标绘仪||automatic radar plotting aids, ARPA
自动排稀装置||automatic light mixture over board installation
自动停车装置||automatic shutdown device
自动系泊绞车||automatic mooring winch
自动延绳钓机||autolongline machine
自浮泥管||dredgers selffloating pipeline
自供空气救生艇||lifeboat with selfcontained air support system
自航试验||selfpropulsion test
自航试验拖力||towing force in selfpropulsion test
自航因子||selfpropulsion factor
自亮浮灯||selfigniting buoy light
自流式循环水系统||scoop circulating water system
自抛光防污涂料||self polishing copolymer antifouling paint
自然腐蚀电位||free corrosion potential
自然环境条件||natural environmental condition
自然噪声||natural noise
自升式钻井平台||jackup drilling unit, jackup drilling platform
自由航迹试验||free route test
自由航速||free running speed
自由活塞空[气]压[缩]机||free piston air compressor
自由活塞燃气轮机装置||free piston gas turbine plant
自由漂浮状态||free floating condition
自由液面||free surface
自由液面修正||free surface correction
自由自航船模试验||freerunning model test
综合导航||integrated navigation
总布置||general arrangement
总长||length overall, LOA
总段||block, complete cross section
总段建造法||block method of hull construction
总吨位||gross tonnage
总排水量||total displacement
总排水量曲线||total displacement curve
总体—局部耦合振动||coupled vibration between hull and local structures
总用泵||general service pump
总振动||global vibration
总纵强度||longitudinal strength
总纵强度试验||longitudinal strength test
总纵弯曲||longitudinal bending
总纵弯曲剪应力||shearing stress due to longitudinal bending moment
总纵弯曲正应力||normal stress due to longitudinal bending moment
总阻力||total resistance
纵舱壁||longitudinal bulkhead
纵骨架式||longitudinal framing system
纵骨间距||spacing of longitudinals
纵桁||longitudinal girder, stringer
纵横倾调节系统||trimheel regulating system
纵倾测量仪||trim measuring meter
纵倾调整||trim adjustment
纵倾角||angle of trim
纵倾力矩||trimming moment
纵倾平衡泵||trimming pump
纵稳心||longitudinal metacenter
纵稳性||longitudinal stability
纵向滑道||end slipway
纵向强力构件||longitudinal strength member
纵向强制摇荡装置||longitudinal forced oscillatory device
纵向下水||end launching
纵向振动||longitudinal vibration
纵摇角||pitch angle
阻力试验||resistance test
阻力系数||resistance coefficient
阻塞比||blockage ratio
阻塞效应||blockage effect
阻塞修正||blockage correction
组合肋板||bracket floor
组合起动屏||group starter panel
组合支柱||builtup pillar
组装式辅机组||packaged auxiliary unit
钻冰机||ice driller
钻井驳||drilling barge
钻井船||drilling ship
钻井供应船||drilling tender
钻井平台||drilling platform, drilling unit
钻柱运动补偿器||drill string compensator, DSC
最大沉深吃水||maximum submerged draft
最大持续功率||maximum continuous rating, MCR
最大复原力臂角||angle of maximum righting lever
最大横剖面||maximum section
最大横剖面系数||maximum transverse section coefficient
最大间断工况||condition of peak power
最大宽||extreme breadth
最大连续工况||maximum continuous condition
最大叶宽||maximum width of blade
最大叶宽比||maximum blade width ratio
最低起动压力试验||minimum starting pressure test
最低稳定运行工况||minimum self sustaining condition
最后分路||final subcircuit
最佳直径||optimum diameter
最佳转速||optimum revolution
最深分舱载重线||deepest subdivision loadline
最小倾覆力矩||capsizing moment
左开式||left hand model
左旋||lefthand turning
左转机组||lefthand revolving engine unit
作业吃水||operating draft
作业环境条件||operating environmental conditions
作业锚泊载荷||operating anchor load
作业排水量||operating displacement
作业水深||operating water depth
作业系泊载荷||operating mooring load
作业系缆载荷||operating hawser load
作业载荷||operating load
作业状态||operating condition
坐标定位拖车试验水池||basin with xy plot carriage
坐底声呐||bottom mounted sonar
坐底式钻井平台||submersible drilling unit, submersible drilling platform
坐底稳定性||sitonbottom stability
坐底状态||supported on the seabed condition
坐坞强度||docking strength
